Blueberry Heaven Sanctuary
At this time, Blueberry Heaven Sanctuary is unfortunately at capacity and cannot accept new cats/kittens.
In order to expand our mission and be able to take in more homeless felines, we need the community to support us and spread the word about us - we need to fundraise to build our large cattery this winter, making it possible to provide permanent housing to more cats in the community who have no other place to go.
Monthly expenses to house and feed: $1500.00 (not including medications and veterinary bills)
Please consider making a donation or at least sharing our website with everyone on social media, your community, friends, family, and encourage them to check out what we are doing, what our mission is and help us strengthen our ability to help more cats in the area.
Please look at our FUNDRAISING and PAYMENT tab for ways to donate.
We appreciate your help and look forward to growing and be able to meet the needs of our community cats 😻
Project Christmas 2024
🎄We thank everyone who donated and chose to sponsor several of our residents!🌲
Our regular monthly needs are litter (we use pine pellets, not sand litter), diapers for our special needs little girl Tinkerbelle and of course wet and dry food.
Please consider sponsoring one of our cats - $5 or $10/month from community supporters adds up!
Wish lists
If you prefer to send a monthly gift, in lieu of a cash donation, here are two wish lists to choose from:
Chewy Wish List:
Amazon Wish List:
Additionally, if you have a COSCO membership, our cats love the Maintenance Cat dry kibble (purple bag), and at $26 per 25 lb bag, it’s a great buy for great quality food.
For Sam’s Club members, the 60 can Friskies Pate box of canned food is also a great deal at $43/box.
Welcome to Blueberry Heaven Sanctuary
Blueberry Heaven Sanctuary is a non-profit organization that provides support to local community cats and their caretakers.
The organization is located on a private ranch in the Lake Pickett area of Orlando, FL. The sanctuary is currently home to 60+ felines, ranging from ages 2 months to 17 years, including many cats with special needs such as a blind tortie, seniors, and several who are FIV positive.
Our seniors and special needs felines live inside our residence and enjoy a large sunroom, a screened porch, and several rooms catering to their needs to keep them active and entertained, while our temporary Cattery provides safety to our indoor colony.
The sanctuary is in the process of building a large, permanent cattery, complete with an oversized "catio" where former ferals/non-adoptable or mostly unsocialized cats can live safely in an indoor setting with safe access to a large garden where they can watch squirrels, birds, our rescue ducks and chickens and just be allowed to be who they are in peace.
The quiet rhythm of daily chores at BHS is accompanied by the contentment and gratitude in the eyes of the rescues as they go about their lives in serenity. 🥰
We appreciate our rescue partners and all the support from cat lovers in Central Florida, and beyond, who have been so generous towards us, despite the fact that all of them have their own cats to care for, and many of them additionally feed dozens of community cats in our area. We are hopeful that new donors are willing to step up and check out our Amazon and Chewy wish lists, and send some support our way 🥳
GoFundMe Drive
This is Pinkey, he passed December 18, 2023 of heart failure. He was 16 and loved by all residents. Sadly, his end saw him go blind and paralyzed, but his love for life and for us never wavered. Having lost both our old boy and Milo, our 5-month-old kitty due to FIP on Valentine's Day, didn't only break our hearts, but also depleted our account covering veterinary bills.
This fall we also lost our precious Peeta (brain cancer) and Princess (kidney failure and dementia), additionally one of our residents, Pippin, was hospitalized due to urinary blockage - our bills topped $3400 in addition to our regular vet bills and we were already in the negative to start, so we're trying to catch up before the end of the year.
Please consider making a donation to our GoFundMe or any of the other links under PAYMENTS, to help us going forward.